Using a remote Bookkeeper will save you a lot of money versus having an in-house bookkeeper. You will also save a lot of much needed time for the daily operations of running your business.

If you are not directly involved with your books then I can create a data file for your business on Quickbooks desktop and maintain your books. I can provide reports directly from Quickbooks any time that you need them. I can share the file with your CPA at the end of the year to complete your tax return.
By going this route you do not incur the monthly fee from Intuit.

If you are utilizing Quickbooks Online as your accounting software for your business then you can send me an invite to access your data file. I can then work on your books by directly logging in as your Bookkeeper.
By using Quickbooks Online you do incur a monthly fee from Intuit. They have several plans available and they can be found on their website.

If you are already maintaining your books on Quickbooks desktop and are active with any of the data entry then using remote access is the best option for you. I can remote into the computer to access your Quickbooks and work on your books via remote access. There are a variety of programs that are available such as Teamviewer, Splashtop, Remote Desktop Connection & more.
Any statements or documents that I may need can be sent to me via email or through a secure drop box (I use
Bring glory to God in all we do.
Colossians 3:23-24